abstract-class |
1 |
abstraction |
1 |
acl |
1 |
adr |
2 |
alias |
1 |
allocation |
1 |
angular |
2 |
api |
18 |
api-composition |
2 |
api-gateway |
3 |
appsettings |
3 |
arc42 |
1 |
architectural-characteristics |
1 |
architecture |
12 |
array |
2 |
artifact |
1 |
aspnet |
3 |
assembly |
1 |
assert |
3 |
assertions |
3 |
async |
1 |
asynchronous-communication |
2 |
asynchronous-programming |
2 |
attributes |
1 |
authentication |
2 |
availability |
1 |
await |
1 |
azure |
13 |
azure-api-management |
1 |
azure-app-configuration |
3 |
azure-app-service |
1 |
azure-devops |
2 |
azure-functions |
2 |
azure-service-bus |
3 |
benchmark |
4 |
benchmarkdotnet |
4 |
blazor |
1 |
bogus |
3 |
brotli |
1 |
c4model |
2 |
cache-aside |
1 |
cache-eviction |
1 |
cache-expiration |
1 |
caching |
2 |
cap-theorem |
1 |
career |
4 |
ci-cd |
1 |
circuit-breaker |
1 |
clean-code |
6 |
cli |
1 |
cobertura |
1 |
code-coverage |
4 |
code-generation |
1 |
code-quality |
13 |
collectionassert |
1 |
collections |
4 |
comments |
1 |
commit |
2 |
communication |
3 |
comparer |
1 |
components |
1 |
compression |
2 |
concatenation |
2 |
configuration-management |
1 |
configurations |
8 |
consistency |
1 |
console-application |
2 |
constraints |
2 |
controllers |
1 |
conventional-commit |
2 |
cookie-authentication |
1 |
correlation-id |
2 |
cors |
1 |
coverlet |
1 |
crud |
4 |
csharp |
112 |
culture |
5 |
cultureinfo |
5 |
curl |
1 |
customization |
1 |
cyclomatic-complexity |
1 |
d2 |
1 |
dapper |
1 |
data |
3 |
data-conversion |
1 |
data-types |
1 |
database |
7 |
date |
3 |
datetime |
3 |
datetimekind |
2 |
dbcontext |
1 |
dead-letters |
1 |
debug |
2 |
debuggerdisplay |
1 |
decorator |
1 |
dependency-injection |
11 |
depth-of-inheritance-tree |
1 |
design |
2 |
design-pattern |
1 |
devops |
2 |
diagram |
1 |
diagram-as-a-code |
1 |
diagramming |
1 |
dictionary |
1 |
distributed-system |
1 |
docker |
4 |
documentation |
4 |
dotnet |
113 |
HTTP Logging in ASP.NET: how to automatically log all incoming HTTP requests (and its downsides!)
C# Tip: 2 ways to generate realistic data using Bogus
Easy logging management with Seq and ILogger in ASP.NET
C# Tip: IEnumerable vs ICollection, and why it matters
How to use IHttpClientFactory and WireMock.NET together using Moq
C# Tip: 2 ways to use custom equality rules in a HashSet
C# Tip: Mark a class as Sealed to prevent subclasses creation
Seeding in-memory Entity Framework with realistic data with Bogus
C# Tip: Path.Combine and Path.Join are similar but way different.
Why reaching 100% Code Coverage must NOT be your testing goal (with examples in C#)
C# Tip: IFormattable interface, to define different string formats for the same object
Is Random.GetItems the best way to get random items in C# 12?
C# Tip: ObservableCollection - a data type to intercept changes to the collection
Top 6 Performance Tips when dealing with strings in C# 12 and .NET 8
4 ways to create Unit Tests without Interfaces in C#
C# Tip: Use TestCase to run similar unit tests with NUnit
How to extract, create, and navigate Zip Files in C#
C# Tip: How to create Unit Tests for Model Validation
Pre-commit hooks with Husky.NET - build, format, and test your .NET application before a Git commit
How to integrate Feature Flags stored on Azure App Configuration in an ASP.NET Core Application
C# Tip: Improve memory allocation by initializing collection size
Feature Flags 101: A Guide for ASP.NET Core Developers
Advanced Integration Tests for .NET 7 API with WebApplicationFactory and NUnit
C# Tip: 2 ways to define ASP.NET Core custom Middleware
How to automatically refresh configurations with Azure App Configuration in ASP.NET Core
Azure App Configuration and .NET API: a smart and secure way to manage configurations
C# Tip: Use custom Equality comparers in Nunit tests
How to add Dependency Injection, Configurations, and Logging in a .NET 7 Console Application
Understanding IOptions, IOptionsMonitor, and IOptionsSnapshot in .NET 7
C# Tip: Advanced Switch Expressions and Switch Statements using filters
How to download an online file and store it on file system with C#
C# Tip: Format Interpolated Strings
C# Tip: Access items from the end of the array using the ^ operator
Health Checks in .NET: 2 ways to check communication with MongoDB
C# Tip: Initialize lists size to improve performance
C# Tip: List Pattern to match an collection against a sequence of patterns
How to customize Conventional Commits in a .NET application using GitHooks
C# Tip: do NOT use nameof to give constants a value
C# Tip: LINQ's Enumerable.Range to generate a sequence of consecutive numbers
How to customize Swagger UI with custom CSS in .NET 7
PriorityQueues on .NET 7 and C# 11
C# Tip: Raise synchronous events using Timer (and not a While loop)
How to deploy .NET APIs on Azure using GitHub actions
C# Tip: use the @ prefix when a name is reserved
3 (and more) ways to set configuration values in .NET
The 2 secret endpoints I create in my .NET APIs
C# Tip: use Miniprofiler instead of Stopwatch to profile code performance
How to propagate HTTP Headers (and Correlation IDs) using HttpClients in C#
C# Tip: SelectMany in LINQ
How to improve Serilog logging in .NET 6 by using Scopes
C# Tip: use IHttpClientFactory to generate HttpClient instances
8 things about Records in C# you probably didn't know
3 ways to check the object passed to mocks with Moq in C#
C# Tip: Convert ExpandoObjects to IDictionary
How to access the HttpContext in .NET API
C# Tip: Use Debug-Assert to break the debugging flow if a condition fails
C# Tip: How to temporarily change the CurrentCulture
PostgreSQL CRUD operations with C# and Dapper
Measuring maintainability metrics with NDepend
C# Tip: Exception handling with WHEN clause
CRUD operations on PostgreSQL using C# and Npgsql
C# Tip: use yield return to return one item at the time
Profiling .NET code with MiniProfiler
How to parse JSON Lines (JSONL) with C#
C# Tip: Use a SortedSet to avoid duplicates and sort items
How to resolve dependencies in .NET APIs based on current HTTP Request
Moq vs NSubstitute: syntax cheat sheet
C# Tip: use the Ping class instead of an HttpClient to ping an endpoint
How to log to Console with .NET Core and Serilog
How to test HttpClientFactory with Moq
C# tip: define Using Aliases to avoid ambiguity
How to customize fields generation in Visual Studio 2019
How to add a caching layer in .NET 5 with Decorator pattern and Scrutor
C# tip: create correct DateTimes with DateTimeKind
Simplify debugging with DebuggerDisplay attribute dotNET
C# tip: String.IsNullOrEmpty or String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace?
Handling Azure Service Bus errors with .NET
Azure Service Bus: Queues vs Topics
C# tip: how to get the index of an item in a foreach loop
Azure Service Bus and C# - an introduction
How to expose .NET Assembly Version via API endpoint routing
Getting resource location with CreatedAtAction and CreatedAtRoute action results
Cobertura, YAML, and Code Coverage Protector: how to view Code Coverage report on Azure DevOps
Clean code tips - Tests
14 to 2 seconds: how I improved the performance of an endpoint by 82% - part 2
14 to 2 seconds: how I improved the performance of an endpoint by 82% - part 1
3 ways to inject DateTime and test it
How to view code coverage with Coverlet and Visual Studio 2019
How to use String.Format - and why you should care about it
How to Ping an endpoint with C#
How to integrate MongoDB with C#
Understanding Swagger integration in .NET Core
How to run integration tests for .NET API
5 things about DateTime time zones and formatting
How to mock dependencies with Manifest resources
Enum.HasFlag performance with BenchmarkDotNet
Cool validation with FluentValidation
Testing internal members with InternalsVisibleTo
Dependency Injection lifetimes in .NET - Scoped vs Transient vs Singleton
5 more things you should know about enums in C#
5 things you should know about enums in C#
Logging with Serilog and Seq
How to upgrade Azure Functions v2 to v3
How to add a Startup class to Azure Functions
First steps with asynchronous programming in C#
How to search for YouTube videos in a channel with .NET Core 3
How you can create extension methods in C#
MSTest CollectionAssert class - an overview
5 things you didn't know about Guid in C#
MSTest StringAssert class - an overview
MSTest Assert class - an overview
A few things I learned at .NET Conference Italia 2018
How to check if a string is really empty with C#
dotnet-cli |
1 |
dynamic |
1 |
elasticity |
1 |
embedded-resource |
1 |
endswith |
1 |
entity-framework |
2 |
enumerable |
1 |
enums |
3 |
environment-variables |
2 |
equality |
2 |
equalitycomparer |
1 |
error-handling |
2 |
errors |
2 |
events |
2 |
exception |
1 |
exception-handling |
1 |
expandoobject |
1 |
extensibility |
4 |
extension-methods |
1 |
fatal-errors |
1 |
feature-filter |
2 |
feature-flags |
2 |
feature-gate |
1 |
feature-management |
2 |
file |
2 |
filesystem |
3 |
fixed-window |
1 |
fluentvalidation |
1 |
font |
1 |
foreach |
1 |
formattable |
1 |
formatting |
3 |
generics |
10 |
gethashcode |
1 |
git |
3 |
git-hook |
2 |
github |
2 |
github-action |
1 |
google-chrome |
1 |
guid |
1 |
hashcode |
1 |
hashset |
2 |
health-check |
1 |
http |
18 |
http-header |
2 |
httpclient |
8 |
httpclientfactory |
4 |
httpcontext |
4 |
httpmessagehandler |
2 |
httprepl |
1 |
httprequest |
2 |
httpresponse |
1 |
husky |
2 |
huskydotnet |
1 |
icmp |
1 |
icollection |
2 |
icomparable |
1 |
iconfiguration |
1 |
idictionary |
1 |
ienumerable |
2 |
iequalitycomparer |
1 |
iequatable |
1 |
iformatprovider |
1 |
iformattable |
1 |
ihost |
1 |
ihttpclientfactory |
1 |
iis |
1 |
il |
1 |
ilogger |
2 |
initialization |
1 |
integration-tests |
5 |
interfaces |
2 |
intermediate-language |
1 |
internal |
1 |
internalsvisibleto |
1 |
interpolation |
1 |
ioptions |
2 |
ioptionsmonitor |
2 |
ioptionssnapshot |
1 |
isnullorempty |
1 |
isnullorwhitespace |
1 |
ivalidatableobject |
1 |
json |
1 |
jsonl |
1 |
k6 |
1 |
kestrel |
1 |
keyword |
17 |
launchsettings |
1 |
leaky-bucket |
1 |
library |
2 |
lifetime |
1 |
lines-of-code |
1 |
linq |
2 |
linqpad |
1 |
lint |
1 |
list |
2 |
load |
1 |
load-balancer |
1 |
load-testing |
1 |
localization |
1 |
log4j |
1 |
logging |
7 |
logs |
1 |
loop |
1 |
maintainability |
6 |
manifest-file |
1 |
memory |
1 |
mermaid |
1 |
microfrontend |
1 |
microservices |
4 |
middleware |
1 |
migration |
1 |
minification |
1 |
miniprofiler |
2 |
mocking |
5 |
model |
1 |
modularity |
1 |
mongodb |
3 |
moq |
5 |
mstests |
3 |
nameof |
1 |
namespace |
1 |
ndepend |
1 |
network |
5 |
nfr |
1 |
nodejs |
2 |
non-functional requirements |
1 |
nosql |
1 |
npgsql |
1 |
npm |
4 |
npmrc |
1 |
nsubstitute |
1 |
numbers |
1 |
nunit |
4 |
observablecollection |
1 |
ocelot |
1 |
ohmyposh |
1 |
oop |
1 |
open-source |
1 |
openapi |
4 |
opinion |
3 |
parsing |
2 |
partition |
1 |
path |
1 |
pattern-matching |
2 |
performance |
24 |
ping |
3 |
polly |
1 |
postel-law |
1 |
postgresql |
4 |
postman |
2 |
powershell |
4 |
precommit |
1 |
priority-queue |
1 |
process |
1 |
productivity |
1 |
profiling |
2 |
public-speaking |
3 |
quality |
1 |
quality-attribute |
2 |
queues |
4 |
random |
1 |
range |
1 |
rate-limit |
2 |
razor |
1 |
reactive-programming |
1 |
read-through |
1 |
record |
1 |
reflection |
1 |
requirements |
1 |
rest |
2 |
restful |
1 |
scalability |
1 |
scoop |
1 |
scope |
1 |
scoped |
1 |
scrutor |
1 |
sealed |
1 |
security |
1 |
selectmany |
1 |
seq |
4 |
serilog |
5 |
singleton |
1 |
sla |
1 |
sli |
1 |
sliding-window |
1 |
slo |
1 |
snippet |
1 |
socket |
1 |
software-architecture |
16 |
sortedset |
1 |
sorting |
1 |
sql |
4 |
ssl-termination |
1 |
stream |
1 |
string |
8 |
string-format |
1 |
string-isnullorempty |
3 |
string-isnullorwhitespace |
3 |
stringassert |
1 |
stringbuilder |
2 |
stringcomparison |
1 |
strings |
1 |
structurizr |
1 |
stub |
1 |
swagger |
5 |
switch |
1 |
syntax |
3 |
system-design |
14 |
talks |
3 |
tcp |
1 |
tcpping |
1 |
terminal |
1 |
testcase |
1 |
testcasesource |
1 |
testing |
14 |
testing-diamond |
2 |
testing-pyramid |
2 |
tests |
11 |
theory |
3 |
thread |
1 |
throttling |
1 |
time |
1 |
timer |
1 |
timezone |
2 |
token-bucket |
1 |
tolower |
1 |
tool |
1 |
tools |
3 |
topics |
1 |
tostring |
1 |
transient |
1 |
transient-errors |
1 |
trigger |
1 |
trim |
1 |
tryparse |
1 |
unit-tests |
13 |
unzip |
1 |
using |
1 |
utc |
1 |
utilities |
1 |
validation |
3 |
versioning |
1 |
virtual |
1 |
visual-studio |
6 |
vulnerability |
1 |
web |
1 |
webapi |
1 |
webapplicationfactory |
2 |
webassembly |
1 |
when |
2 |
windows |
1 |
windows10 |
1 |
windows11 |
3 |
winget |
1 |
wiremock |
1 |
write-behind |
1 |
write-through |
1 |
yaml |
2 |
yield |
1 |
youtube |
1 |
youtube-api |
1 |
zip |
1 |